I still maintain that, when I wrote the description detailing my theory, Rodney Hood and Donovan Mitchell were comparable players and the only reason Mitchell was more beloved was because he was a rookie and he had flashy dunks. I apologize for nothing. I may have apologized in the past for that comparison, but if I did, I retract that apology. Hood = Mitchell, as of the beginning of last year.
And, hey, look at that, Mitchell and the Jazz have regressed while Hood and the Cavs have… also regressed but that’s not their fault that’s LeBron’s fault. So maybe these two players are closer than people like to think. Think for yourselves, sheeple! Form your own opinions, or at least, let me tell you what opinions you should have and the reasons why you should have them.
Tell me, was Mitchell the one who made the Philadelphia 76ers into his own personal booty slave? No. As you can see from this video, it was Hood who was doing the booty enslavement. 25 points worth, and it didn’t really seem like he was getting assisted for any of these buckets. He did this himself.