Stanley Johnson 21 Points Full Highlights (11/27/2018)

What’s the deal with the severe lack of Johnsons in the NBA right now? It’s basically the most second common surname in America (the first is Muhammad, read a book for once), and it has a storied history of premiere NBA players bearing it. Kevin Johnson (well, he used to be respected), Marques Johnson (gonna grab my other gun), Magic Johnson (might as well not have had a last name), Cheese Johnson (his given name wasn’t really “Cheese” but apparently they called him that, you learn something new every day) that’s just a few of the greats with that name.

Now all we have is Stanley Johnson (bust), Dakari Johnson (his move to the Hawks went entirely unnoticed), Tyler Johnson (meth Curry), Wesley Johnson (bust), James Johnson (actually decent, at least he was last year), and Amir Johnson (semi-scrub). Talk about an uninspiring list of players. None of those guys are gonna sniff an All-Star game. Not even close.

And if you’re gonna try and dispute me about my “bust” label for Stanley Johnson, you can just forget about it. I don’t care that he had a great game tonight. He has great games sometimes, interspersed sparely among the endless disappointment. I prefer to judge him on the “endless disappointment” part of his career rather than the scant few moments of dim light that emerge from the smothering blackness.

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