Robin Lopez 26 Points Full Highlights (2/4/2016)

Apparently Robin and Brook Lopez are creating an original comic book(s)? That’s cool. Gotta show Larry Sanders that you don’t have to quit playing basketball to pursue your artistic dreams. As long as it’s not one of those weeaboo backwards googly-eyed creations, I’m sure it will be great. Actually, I have no idea if it…

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Robin Lopez 22 Points Full Highlights (1/20/2016)

If Fropez is scoring 22 points, that can only mean one thing. Well, actually two things. One of the things it means is that Fropez was taking touches away from our lord Kristaps. The other thing it means is that there were probably a bunch of crazy no-arc hookshots that somehow dropped through the hoop…

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Robin Lopez 19 Points Full Highlights (1/6/2016)

Does Fropez always take this long on his post moves? He’ll catch the ball and just stand there for five seconds (weak jab steps/ball fakes optional) before he decides what he wants to do with it. There’s a reason there’s a shot clock, bro. It’s so that you’re decisive with the ball. Not to mention…

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Robin Lopez 18 Points Full Highlights (10/29/2015)

It is well-known that Robin Lopez is a comic book nerd who likes to go to conventions. I wouldn’t have a problem with that except for one thing: at any con he goes to, he takes the women from all the other deserving nerds. I mean, he’s not even that attractive if we’re being objective…

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Robin Lopez 19 Points Full Highlights (11/12/2014)

What blows my mind is that the Portland Trailblazers scored in 84 in the first half…while starting Allen Crabbe. Forget about Robin Lopez for a second. He doesn’t matter right now. Allen Crabbe! My brain doesn’t know how to handle this information. It’s all I can do to play simplistic Flash games while I wait…

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Robin Lopez 17 Points/4 Blocks Full Highlights (4/30/2014)

I would pay so much money just to have five seconds alone with Robin Lopez’s afro. I would commit wholly lewd and inappropriate acts with that thing. It just looks so fluffy and soft, like a cute little bunny, but it’s also simmering with eroticism, like a cheap hooker. If I even grazed my finger…

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Robin Lopez 20 Points Full Highlights (3/25/2014)

Why don’t you guys like Robin Lopez? Is it because he looks like that guy from The Simpsons? Because that’s a stupid reason to dislike somebody. Really, I expected more from you. Cartoonish hair aside, Lopez has been an unheralded component of the Blazers’ success this year. He’s the perfect center for a team with…

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Robin Lopez 19 Points/3 Blocks Full Highlights (3/14/2014)

I have been introduced to a new nickname for Robin Lopez. I thought about withholding it from you guys, but then I figured, hey, I’m a generous guy, and I shouldn’t bogart the funny nicknames. Here it is: Fropez. Get it? Because his name is Lopez? And he has an afro? I’m also betting that…

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Robin Lopez 16 Points Full Highlights (12/12/2013)

The Portland Trail Blazers are the best team in the NBA right now. Let that sink in for a bit. They went 33-49 last year and the only major change to their roster was replacing J.J. Hickson with Robin Lopez. It follows logically that Robin Lopez, and Robin Lopez alone, is responsible for the elevated…

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Robin Lopez 17 Points Full Highlights (11/11/2013)

Robin Lopez is one of the more underrated players in the league. He started all 82 for the Hornets last year and was consistent. He may be half-retarded, but he know what he can do on the court. Rarely does he shoot a jumper. Sometimes he tries sky-hook-like things, which is awesome and should be…

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