I just found out the most disgusting thing ever.
People in Europe put mayonnaise on their french fries. Like, huge globs of it. Right on their fries. And then they dip their fries IN the mayonnaise.
Please excuse me while I barf the contents of my stomach all over my wall map of Europe.
Okay. My gut is still churning, but I think I can finish the description.
French fries. Mayonnaise. Why god? Why? I almost wish that World War II had resulted in the total cultural and infrastructural destruction of the European continent, just so I wouldn’t have to deal with the idea of fried potato strips being immersed in a goopy egg slurry.
I think next time I go to a Bucks game, I’ll dress up like a German tourist (lederhosen not included), get a seat next to the bench, and poke the back of O.J.’s head with french fries the entire game. I promise to report back with pictures.