J.J. Redick’s previous career high in attempted field goals was nineteen. This game, he attempted 27. So, my question is, what kind of twitter insult was he faced with in order for him to go out and try to prove himself so vigorously? It could be any one of these:
Carl Dixon @cdix420 – Mar 4
@JJRedick your sunglasses look stupid LOL #stupid
Julie Richards @xfamilyjulesx – Mar 4
@JJRedick my friend said you were cute but when i looked at ur picture i barfed #souglyyoumakemebarf
Kyle Korver @kylekorver – Mar 4
@JJRedick your hair makes me nostalgia for the 90s, oh and guess who was an all-star #me #notyou
Trisha Lovespumpkins @heartpumpkinnns – Mar 4
@JJRedick y do u allways dissapear after 1st qtr???? do ur little t-rex arms get tired ROFL #trexarms #roarrrr
Barack Obama @barackobama – Mar 4
I just passed a new law that says that @JJRedick should try to dunk just once in his life #whiteboyhops
Chris Paul @cp3 – Mar 4
@JJRedick how come I never win anything? My teams never advance in the playoffs. Maybe I’m not as good as everybody says I am. #crisis