The Suns are not going to make the playoffs. Yeah, they might technically have a chance, but that chance is remote. It’s time to shut people down, give the fans what they really want: Jerel McNeal!
And also Gerald Green! Poor Gerald has seen less and less playing time as he gets more and more ballsy with his shot-selection. There’s only so much chucking Hornacek can take if your name isn’t Morris or Bledsoe or Thomas, and he has been relegated to near the end of the bench with his brother in chucking Marcus Thornton.
Putting limitations on SwaGG (that’s my sick new nickname for Gerald if you couldn’t tell) is like telling Bach not to write exquisite counterpoint melodies. It’s just stupid. He gets buckets, and benching him for trying to get those buckets only hurts the team. A bad Gerald Green shot is like a “good” PJ Tucker shot. Let him shoot!
After all, the point of the game is to score, not “play the right way”.