Andrew Wiggins 29 Points Full Highlights (4/8/2015)

Andrew Wiggins just keeps chugging along. As other, more mercurial, candidates for Rookie of the Year appear for brief moments before returning to the ether, the Wigger soldiers on with his ironman consistency and relatively steady production. Youth is a wonderful thing. He’s being force-fed all the minutes he can possibly handle, and isn’t showing any ill-effects that I can tell (maybe his three-ball has deserted him a bit). That has to count for something, right? That’s how Damian Lillard won ROY.

The Timberwolves aren’t good this year, which helps his chances. Wiggins is trying his best and producing well, but he can’t overcome by himself all the injuries that have beset this cursed franchise. But what about next year? Don’t those ads on TV say to contact your doctor if an erection lasts more than 4 hours?

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