Now that we are certain of Dënniß ßchrööder’s ability to play well in the NBA, it’s time to put on your thinking caps: how badly would Dënniß the Mënacë dominate the German basketball league? Would he average 30 and 15? Would it be like Shavlik Randolph playing in China? Would we see similar levels of domination?
My friends from Germany are going to have to help me out here. How good are teams in Germany? I know that a lot of marginal US college players end up there. I think Jon Brockman went there and he sucked. Sorry Jon. Also, the amount of home-grown talent is not that good. Germans might be the Aryan masterrace but all males being a uniform 6’1″ in height makes them unsuited for basketball. Dënniß probably would crush them all.
Is it too late for the Hawks to stash Dënniß overseas? The perfect way to build up his confidence would be to unleash him on his own domestic league. Then he would come back and be ready to kick Jeff Teague’s ass. Make it happen, Hawks.