Kelly Oubre 22 Points Full Highlights (10/22/2018)

Sometimes I make highlight videos for guys who didn’t really look all that good on the court, you know, while the game was actually going on. This is not one of those times. Kelly Oubre made up for his lackluster start to the season with this gem of a performance, scoring points in all sorts of ways and looking really cute while doing it.

Sidenote: he would look a lot cuter if he cut off that little beard thing.

I can’t exactly remember what happened that time he scored 26, but this is the best he’s ever looked in a game to me. Just so good. I don’t even have a crush on this dude or anything, he just really impressed me tonight. To repeat: I have no feelings for this dude at all except that I like him as a basketball player. And I like his eyes. He has nice eyes.

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