Kevin Knox 17 Points Full Highlights (11/11/2018)

I was loath to create this video given that Kevin Knox only made four field goals on his way to seventeen points. However, I eventually reconsidered when I laid out in my mind the pros and cons of making this video.


-Seventeen points ties a career high for this young rookie
-There are a lot of Knix (that’s “Knicks” and “Knox” combined, I am such a genius) fans who might want to watch this video
-No lie, that putback dunk was pretty sweet
-It’s not Knox’s fault that the Magic couldn’t stop fouling him


-Seven free throws is simply way too many free throws
-Seventeen points only ties a career high and does not exceed it
-Every minute I spend making highlight videos is one minute closer to the body-wide termination of my cellular function, causing death

As you can see, the number of PROS is larger than the number of CONS. So I really had no choice here.

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