Montrezl Harrell 25 Points/15 Free Throws Full Highlights (11/19/2018)

OFFICIAL DTB DISCLAIMER: This video is ridiculously jam-packed with free throws. If you were to click to a random spot in this video, there is an overwhelmingly good chance that you will land on either 1) Montrezl “Mississzugz” Harrell shooting a free throw or 2) Montrezl “Mississzugz” Harrell getting fouled. Since free throws are the least entertaining part of basketball (aside from defense), that makes this video, by rule, an unentertaining video.

Twice in DTB history have I made videos with more free throws: in January of 2018, Jeff Teague scored thirty points, including sixteen free throws. That video made me want to die. And in March of 2017, Bojan Bogdanovic, then on the Wizards, scored 29 points, again with the aid of sixteen free throws. That was long enough ago where I don’t remember if I yearned for death at the time, but I probably did. Sixteen free throws is enough to make anybody start researching coffins and funeral homes.

Perhaps even worse than all the free throws is that Montrezl doesn’t throw down even one dunk in this game. He just hits layups and one crazy running hook shot that shouldn’t have gone in. So, not only is this video almost entirely comprised of the least entertaining shot in basketball (the free throw), it is almost completely devoid of the most entertaining shot in basketball (the slam dunk).

OFFICIAL DTB DISCLAIMER PART II: If you watch this video and die as a result of it, I’m not liable for any damages. I will send your family a “sorry for your loss” card though. It will have my signature in it so your family can sell it on Ebay to pay for your funeral.

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