C.J. Miles… is a good player now? That’s not something I expected from Mr. Shooting-Percentages-Getting-Worse-Every-Consecutive-Season-With-The-Jazz. It may blow your mind a little bit, but C.J. is already in his 11th year in the league. Not exactly the usual year for players to suddenly decide that they are above-average NBA material. Is his play up to this point legit, or is it a kind of mirage where his three-point shooting is the imagined oasis?
Someone once told me something about “sample sizes”, but I wasn’t paying real close attention and I kind of dozed off right after they started explaining the whole deal. I think I got a good gist of what they were trying to say though. Like, you have a sample size, right? And if it’s not the right size, that’s not good. Then, you can’t, you know, draw valid inferences from it or something. Smaller sample sizes are better, because then you can extrapolate out further and it has more statistical integrity. That’s what I remember being told, and this dude who was telling me about it, he was really smart, so I definitely believe him on this one.
Long and short of it, that means that C.J. is probably gonna average 20 on the season and be second to Stephen Curry in threes made.