Am I a bad NBA fan for not having listened to any of Iman Shumpert’s rap output?
I mean, I listened to “What the Kidd Did”, penned by Jason Kidd, and it was, you know, not really all that good, even by my relatively undemanding standards of rap as a genre. Not blaming Kidd here, but it kind of put me off the whole “NBA player doing anything at all besides playing basketball” thing.
That was a while ago. More recently I gave it another shot, and listened to some crap that Marquis Daniels put out. More modern and culturally relevant(???) than Kidd’s effort, what with the GTA aesthetics, but still really crappy.
So you can’t blame me for not checking out Shumpert’s hot tracks or whatever. They might be good; at least some people must enjoy them, or he wouldn’t have released them at all, but I’m okay with missing out. There’s a lot of good music of all genres out there, and I’m not going to waste my time again listening to stuff made by dudes whose only talent is putting a ball in a hole.
Unless one of them manages to write a symphony. It would still be bad, but at least it would challenge some stereotypes.