Al-Farouq Aminu Career High 20 Points Full Highlights (3/26/2016)

Here’s some crazy stuff to take your mind off things while you try to figure out where your life went so wrong that you’re watching Al-Farouq Aminu score a career high 20 points:

The last time Aminu scored 20, he was a rookie playing in his 8th game, coming off the bench for a team whose starting lineup was rookie Eric Bledsoe (fine), Rasual Butler (not fine), rookie Blake Griffin (okay), Ryan Gomes (not okay), and Chris Kaman (why). I bet Clippers’ fans were so hyped after that performance. Little did they know that he would turn out to be pretty much a bust who immediately got traded to the Hornets.

Aminu has slowly been un-busting himself the past few years, showing that he could contribute to winning basketball with the Mavericks while developing a perimeter game. His transformation is now complete, as he is shooting a bunch of threes (almost as many as he’s shot two-pointers) this year at a reasonable percentage. Plus, he’s started every game for a playoff-bound team; that means he’s doing something right. Clippers fans must be seething that their team gave up on him so quickly.

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