Courtney Lee 18 Points/6 Assists Full Highlights (12/6/2015)

During last year’s playoffs I invented and debuted the #payAttentionToCourtneyLee hashtag to recognize him for his exceptional ability to accumulate win shares. Unfortunately, the Twitter campaign was mostly a failure, with only a few people using my expertly crafted phrase on their Twitter posts.

DTB is not a quitter though. He has a will of steel. If something doesn’t work the first time, he goes back to the drawing board so he can make it work. And this new hashtag can’t fail.


It’s perfect because, as we found out from the first attempt, there is nobody in the universe who cares about Courtney Lee, so that’s a pool of like seven billion people who would be able to unironically use my new hashtag. Posts about any subject other than Courtney Lee would be made more exciting by including it.

Unfortunately, I can’t test it out because my use of it would be dishonest. I care about Courtney Lee and my Twitter has nothing but true things on it. Hopefully somebody else can get the ball rolling on this one.

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