It’s so great that an A-list free agent spurned the big market Knicks to sign with the Bucks. Really, really great. I’m excited by this indication that the landscape of the NBA is changing, that good coaching and team-composition can offset big-city perks.
Now, can we trade Greg Monroe already?
I kind of see what Detroit fans were warning us about. He gets buckets (not in the flow of the offense, mind you), and he gets rebounds as well. Those are good things, I guess But hot damn he can’t contest shots for crap. At all. This might be because he can’t jump for crap. At all. Tonight was one of the very few times I remember him dunking it this season.
Larry Sanders might have been a crazy no-offense lunatic, but at least he could defend. Can we trade Greg to the McDonald’s that Larry is presumably working at now? Win-win. The Bucks get back their defensive identity, and McDonald’s gets a good locker-room guy.