Chris Johnson 14 Points Full Highlights (1/9/2016)

When Chris Johnson the basketball player scored a career-high sixteen points at the beginning of last season, nobody even watched the video. Right now it has 640 views and is probably my least-watched vid from that entire season. If that few people even care about Chris Johnson not the football player, why do I even bother writing words about him? This video will be lucky to break 1,000. If it does, it will be because it got posted on some Utah Jazz blog, not because any of my subscribers actually want to watch it.

Truth be told, I can’t even say that I care about this guy even though I am a supporter of scrubs in general. Even when he was on the Bucks I was totally indifferent. He’s one of those players that you can play for thirty minutes a game if you want and he’s only ever going to score twelve points. A blacker Garrett Temple, if you will.

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