Nikola Vucevic is finally doing what he should’ve been doing for years now had he not been getting held down by one of the most incompetent franchises in the league: averaging 20 and 10. He’s always seemed like a perfect 20 and 10 guy, doing all the things you would expect a guy like that to be doing except for the 20 and 10 part.
I’m so happy for him. I’ve been relentlessly promoting this studmuffin for years and years now, and he’s finally getting a small amount of recognition (I like to think that I had a small part to play in that, but I didn’t). Maybe he can even be an All-Star this year? That would be so sweet. He’d still be one of the most anonymous All-Stars ever, but you gotta start somewhere when building an empire that will eventually include me being able to purchase Vucci-1’s at my local footwear emporium.
And with his maybe-an-All-Star 20-and-10-ness, I’m looking at him, and I’m looking at the names on my exclusion list, and he should probably be alongside them. That would be a sad day indeed when Vucci Mane got to good for my channel, but it would also be a happy one. Not saying this is going to happen, but it might. I have to do some soul-searching first.