I’m not the best person to comment on another’s fashion or style, since my knowledge of what’s fashionable and stylish is sourced only from observing how midwesterners dress (on the rare occasion I actually go outside to see them). However, I just want to say this: the cornrows aren’t working out for Willie Cauley-Stein. Not because they look ugly; on the contrary, they’re actually nicely done. But that’s the problem. WCS looks like a crazy man with all his tattoos. He needs hair to match.
When he had that “hobo pirate” look going, or when he had the hair doodles that looked like bleached cheetos, those were the times when WCS was at his peak physical appearance. Straight-laced uptight people might prefer their black basketball players to look “professional” or “clean-cut”, but that boat has sailed for WCS. There’s no getting rid of those tattoos. So he might as well embrace his ability to be one of the wildest-looking players in the NBA. His destiny is to be the black man analogue to Chris Anderson, but with way more actual basketball skill.