Ivica Zubac 18 Points Full Highlights (12/25/2018)

I want all Lakers fans to apologize, RIGHT NOW, to Ivica Zubac for all the hateful and mean things they said about him on the Internet. Don’t try to deny it; even if you yourself didn’t make your laughable and ill-informed opinions known publicly, you definitely thought them. Every Lakers fan held in their heart a deep-seated loathing of Zubac, feelings that were entirely without justification.

I have it on good authority that Zubac’s feelings were very hurt by the vitriol he was confronted with every time he went on Twitter. He even cried about it a few times. Keep in mind, I have many people telling me this happened. Multiple sources.

So that’s even worse, not only are you yourself a horrible person, your horribleness affected a kid (yes, he’s basically still a kid, albeit a 7-foot tall one) to the point of tears. You could not be content to let your offputting nature injure only your immediate surroundings. No, you, you monstrous abomination of inhumanity and cancer to all thinking beings of the universe, desired nothing but to corrupt all that you could reach with your vile words about Zubac on the Internet.

A single apology might not even be enough at this point. Not after what you said and did. Yes, did, because I have security camera footage of people modifying jerseys in the warehouse for the Lakers official team store to say “Zubad” instead of “Zubac”. And I think I saw your face among them. Do you have no shame?

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