Nemanja Bjelica 14 Points Full Highlights (3/30/2016)

Alright, here’s the deal.

Nemanja Bjelica scored 17 points in a game early in the season. For whatever reason, I did not compile highlights of the performance. Mistakes were made, we all have regrets, yada yada blah blah whatever. That’s in the past now. Nothing to be done about it. No use crying over spilled undone highlight vids.

Now, this season’s end is fast approaching, and guess what? I still haven’t done Bjelica highlights. No, not once. This is bad. This is not a scenario I anticipated. When he scored 17 back in early November, I thought that was just a taste of better things to come. Well, it wasn’t, and now I’m here cobbling together a cruddy vid of him scoring 14. If the season were to conclude without Professor Big Shot in my collection, then I would consider the season a failure. A failure of the dismal variety. That cannot be allowed to occur. I am taking the actions I need to to make sure that it doesn’t.

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