Daniel Theis 18 Points Full Highlights (12/14/2018)

I know that nationalism’s not exactly in vogue in Germany right now (and hasn’t been for some time), but I really need German people to get out there and support their NBA countrymen by watching their highlight videos. You’ve been doing pretty good on the Daniel Theis and Maxi Kleber videos (when they happen, which isn’t very often), but your performance on the Dennis Schroooooder (too lazy to copy and paste an umlaut right now) and Tim Ohlbrecht videos has been nothing short of disappointing.

I think I have an explanation for the Schroooder videos, but German people won’t like it, so I’m not going to say what my explanation is. The Ohlbrecht situation is slightly different in that he’s not even in the NBA right now. The Germans are hoarding him for themselves. He plays in their league even though he should be playing in the NBA for my enjoyment. This is not cool. I do not condone this. I want Tim Ohlbrecht back in the NBA right now so I can make highlight videos for him that German nationals can then watch.

Daniel Theis is great, but he’s not the next Dirk even though he tries to shoot three-pointers sometimes. Ohlbrecht is the next Dirk. That’s even his nickname in Germany where they’re keeping him from us: “Der Nächste Dirk”. If German people don’t take steps to rectify this situation immediately, I will be forced to withhold future highlight videos of German NBA players (except Schroooder who apparently nobody cares about anymore).

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