By my reckoning, this twenty point game by Omri “The Casstrator” Casspi was a revenge game in two ways.
Firstly, Casspi was playing against his former team, the GoLen State Larriors (because they have all L’s and no D, at least not against Casspi). Do you think it’s a coincidence that Casspi’s first twenty-point game since 2016 came against the team that didn’t give him adequate minutes even though he was a shooter in his prime? Casspi was so mad about them giving all his minutes to Andre Iguodala that he went to a different team specifically with the intent to torch his former team when he got the chance. And that’s what he did, in the form of a REVENGE GAME. This game had so much revenge that I can practically taste it, except I don’t think revenge has a taste and what I’m actually tasting is the ongoing mutation of my taste buds thanks to my dangerously overclocked microwave which emits nuclear radiation.
Secondly, Casspi exacted revenge on the very concept of Christmas itself. As an Israeli Jew, Casspi has no patience for false holidays such as Christmas. By scoring twenty points against the Warriors, he dampened the Christmas spirit of all Warriors fans in attendance. One week from now, when those same fans are in the bosom of their families, opening gifts and sharing in the holiday cheer, the dark cloud of Casspi’s twenty-point performance will be hanging over them, providing a constant negative backdrop to the otherwise cheerful festivities. Meanwhile, Casspi will be free from the financial and familial obligations of the day, and will watch Netflix on his laptop while eating Chinese food. Occasionally he will pause the show he’s watching to smugly snicker at all the Christmas-celebrating fools who waste their money, time, and energy on such a frivolous pursuit.