C.J. Miles 24 Points Full Highlights (12/8/2015)

I’m still reeling a little bit from when I found out that C.J. Miles scored forty points in a game that one time. I still have yet to see video evidence of this accomplishment, so, to maintain my failing grip on the sheer cliff-face of sanity, I’m moving ahead with the notion that maybe it was a typo in the box score, and he really only scored four points that game. The alternative would be for me to discard all my connections to reality and withdraw into a hermetic lifestyle of constant paranoia and fear.

DTB’s Internetip of the day: if you search CJ Miles in the Youtube search box, you get a bunch of videos of some model. I’m pretty sure her videos aren’t age-restricted so if we’ve got any twelve-year-olds in the house, these videos are perfect material for when your parents block you from accessing any of the really good sites. But if they catch you in the act and ask you where you found out about CJ Miles (the hot model one, not the basketball one), blame it on that guy in your math class who you’re pretty sure smokes weed.

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